Meeple First Player Chooser
A meeple first player chooser for board gamers or anyone else wanting to choose.
React Programming: The Big Nerd Ranch Guide
React Programming: The Big Nerd Ranch Guide helps developers master React through hands-on examples guiding you from starter code to a production ready application.
Top Seven Things I Learned at SRECon23 Americas
Take time to understand how you got there and communicate well with other teams.
Top Five Things I Learned at SRECon22 Americas
Evaluating Learnings, Brownouts not Blackouts, When to Stop Fixing, Trust, Scientific Method for Testing. Intentional degradation with brownouts during a surge in usage helps avoid blackouts where the service crashes.
Top 5 Things I Learned at RenderATL
The new `startTransition` API in React 18 can keep sliders and other UI elements responsive while a larger re-render is taking place elsewhere on the page.
LinkTesting Your Front-End: Dividing your time and resources
Now that front-ends are built with frameworks, they come with their own test suites. Unit tests are fast, but with a front-end, it’s much easier for a unit to work and not integrate well. End-to-end tests and visual tests help fill the gap but run slowly. What’s the best way to divide your time?
LinkKeep Looking Good: An Introduction to Visual Regression Testing
Testing that a web application functions correctly is already commonplace, but how do you test that the app looks correct as well? Functional test tools can type into hidden fields, but your users cannot. This talk walks through getting started with visual regression tests using Codecept.js. At the end, you’ll be prepared to add visual regression tests to your own applications.